

Who does not love the salty, crunchy taste of potato chips? Potato chips are the ultimate snack food, but did you know that they can also pair with wine!?! On this episode of Crush On This, Allison and Cindy pair different flavors of potato chips with wine. Next time you are looking for easy snacks ...

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Further reading

Wine & Social with Katarina at Grapevine Adventures

 GrapevineAdventures  Nov 24, 2017

A video where I talk about my social media consulting services. This is an extra service I offer to clients mostly in the wine business as an extra to my wine writing.

Pulled pork and beef jerky on the Pit Boss Lockhart

 ramtuff2000  Mar 1, 2020

#pitbossgrills #pitbossnation #inkbird #bbq #food #Lockhart #pitbosslockhart #pulledpork

Lazy Girl Sugar Plums

 Anita  Dec 14, 2020

These Lazy Girl Sugar Plums are the perfect tipsy treat for a cozy night by the fire.Ingredients:12 pitted prunes1 cup bourbon (or orange juice)6 oz semi-sweet chocolate1 cup granulated sugarMethod: Soak the prunes in bourbon, or juice, for 24-48 hours.Strain the prunes and blot dry.Place the sugar ...