

Hi Everyone! I wanted to release a short video on #WineWednesday to talk about a question I get from time-to-time. Luckily, my wife messed up and set me up for this video! So, what happens to wine when you accidentally freeze it and then let it thaw out? Watch to find out!Here's a link to the same G...

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Further reading

2018 Nick Goldschmidt Fidelity Zinfandel Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 25, 2020

It's been a while since I have reviewed a Zinfandel so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to grab a random one off the self and see how it tastes. Yes, random grabbing off the self was my "research" for this video. It happens a lot more than you realize. Any who, here is my review of the 2018 Nick Gold...

How To Supreme A Grapefruit (Quick Bite)

 Anita  Jul 24, 2020

An easy technique that every home cook should know.

Homemade Beef Jerky on the Pit Boss Austin XL

 ramtuff2000  Jan 25, 2020

#goodeats #homecooking #bbq #jerky #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #pitbossnation #beefjerky #lowandslow #instantvortex