

Sagrantino 2011 from Fratelli Pardi, MontefalcoLink to #WinesOfItaly blab: http://bit.ly/WineinUmbriaFebr2-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance at #WiningHourChat" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPm9MvqFt_E-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Further reading

Know Your Salt

 Anita  Mar 22, 2021

In this Quick Bite, I'll show you that all salts are not created equally. If you're serious about cooking and baking, you need to Know Your Salt!The history of salt is fascinating. Salt was used as currency and its value was high. This is where terms such as "worth its weight in salt" come from. Ro...

25 Wine Words You Need To Know - Crush On This Episode 79

 CrushOnThis  Jan 13, 2022

Have you visited a winery and listened to the host talk about wine, using words and terms you don’t understand? Have you looked on the back of a label and not understood what the words mean? Does wine-speak sound like another language? Then you are in the right place.In this episode, we will review...