

There are some cool things that you can do with Augmented Reality. Hell, there's even a Mario Kart game now that uses it! Tussock Jumper also uses it for their labels but that doesn't really tell you if the wine is good. They were kind enough to send me 8 different wines to try so let's take a peek ...

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Further reading

2021 Costa De Oro Winery Rosé of Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 1, 2023

Costa De Oro Winery is the guest for tomorrow's Pink Society chat on Twitter. They were kind enough to send me a bottle of their ...

Egg-ceptional Cloud Eggs!

 KitchAnnette  Jun 2, 2017

Cloud Eggs are all the rage, but for good reason! Here's the basic "how to" version that you will LOVE! Click here for the full recipe and more: http://www.kitchannette.com/cloud-eggs/ - Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpet-Menus-Nominations/dp/0991501101-...

Digital Vino with guest: Susannah Gold, Vigneto Comm., USA

 GrapevineAdventures  Mar 18, 2021

Susannah is a wine communicator, wine educator, wine writer, and much more...We usually met often at trade fairs and wine tastings in pre-covid times, and now we are doing it virtually.17 March7pm CEST / 2pm ET / 11am PST Join us!