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Surf and Turf our way on the Pit Boss Austin XL

 ramtuff2000  Feb 23, 2020

Steak, shrimp and smoked potatoes!! #bbq #pitbossnation #goodeats #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #steak #

Meet the Winemakers at OWM Vineyard

 VeganWines  May 23, 2020

Great interview on Instagram Live with the founders and winemakers of @owm.wines Thank you, Jaime and Jose, for a wonderful wine chat and letting people get to know you and your winemaking methods a lot better for your beautiful wines!

Pietraventosa winery and the "Other" Primitivo at WinesOfItaly LiveStream

 GrapevineAdventures  Dec 22, 2019

Pietraventosa winery that is situated in Gioia del Colle, in the Murgia area in Puglia, is owned by Marianna and her husband. They bought the winery and the land in 2000 and started their wine production. Since then they have built up a small and well-known winery where they produce mainly #Primitiv...