

My husband has been making his beer can chicken for me for about 7 years. It is the best chicken I have ever had and I have had a LOT of chicken. I am so excited to finally share the technique with the world.You will observe in the video that we use a beer can chicken stand instead of an actual beer...

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Gonré pour toute la famille / deux façons / très délicieux / facile à réaliser / Cuisine Burkinabè

 EstelleK79  Jul 3, 2022

Ingredients for 4-6 peopleFirst Recipe for your Gonré2 bags of baby leaf spinach1 cup of maize flour1 1/2 cup of ground peanuts1tsp of baking powderSecond recipe for your Gonré2 Cups of peeled beansa handful of fresh parsley2 spring onions cut4 knorr seasoning cubessmall piece of ginger3 garlic clov...

Unboxing: Macy's Wine Shop

 wineonthedime  Nov 8, 2021

Macy's Wine Shop was kind enough to send me a box of wine to review on the channel. Today, we are going to take a look at some of the wines that I will be reviewing over the next couple of months.►Get 3 bottles of wine from Macy's Wine Shop for just the cost of shipping and taxes: https://glnk.io/p6...

2017 Jacqueline Bahue Lodi Cabernet Franc (NakedWines.com)

 wineonthedime  Dec 12, 2018

Get a $100 voucher on your first order of $160+ by using this link: https://us.nakedwines.com/invite/stuart-bankeyAlright, this is my second review of the NakedWines.com shipment. I accidentally let the first one go a week or so ago because I screwed up scheduling... Anyway, here are my thoughts on ...