

Love Thai food? Me too! The combination of curry, coconut, and lime used in many Southeast Asian dishes is so addictive. Thanks to Thai curry paste, which is readily available (I got mine from Whole Foods), you can recreate the flavors at home without too much fuss.

Love Thai food? Me too! The combination of curry, coconut, and lime used in many Southeast Asian dishes is so addictive. Thanks to Thai curry paste, which is readily available (I got mine from Whole Foods), you can recreate the flavors at home without too much fuss. And one of the wonderful things about steaming mussels is that a delicious broth is created once the mussels open up and add their juices to the broth base. I like to serve this dish with jasmine rice because once you have finished the mussels, you can stir rice into the broth (which also has greens in it), and eat it like a soup. And you%u2019ll want to. It%u2019s so good!

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Further reading

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