

The lemonade you wish they would sell at those little stands!   Ingredients:   Strawberry lemonade   Strawberry lemonade vodka   Instructions: Pour the Strawberry Lemonade into a pitcher. Then add your Strawberry Lemonade Vodka. Give it a good mix and then refrigerate un...

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Further reading

Toobin' Wine Review! Crafter's Union Canned Rosé and Pinot Grigio

 wineonthedime  Aug 31, 2018

To end this week, I think we need to do another toobin' #wine review. This time, I review the Crafter's Union Rosé and Pinot Grigio Canned Wines! Rosé►Vintage: NV►Varietal: uh... Rosé?►Region: California►ABV: 12.7%►Price: $4 for 375mLPinot Grigio►Vintage: NV►Varietal: Pinot Grigio►Region: Californ...

Charles Smith 2019 Vino Rosé Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jan 19, 2021

A while back I reviewed a wine from Charles Smith because I liked the label. The wine turned out to good so I decided to take a crack at another one of their wines. Today, here is my review of the Charles Smith 2019 Vino Rosé.►Vintage: 2019►Varietal: Sangiovese►Region: Washington State ►ABV: 12.5% ...

1 minute review - 2019 Mollydooker "The Boxer" Shiraz

 wineonthedime  Jan 18, 2023

See the full review here: https://youtu.be/OYBDZeyWkDU#wine #shorts #shiraz