

It's the 2024 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations and give them each an honorary dish to create an award-worthy meal! Recipe below!This year's theme is French-ish Dishes. Here’s this our second side dish!For Killers of the Flower Moon, it's Skill...

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Super Bowl 55 and food everywhere! Including Dino Ribs on my Yoder Smokers Loaded Wichita

 ramtuff2000  Feb 9, 2021

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2019 Foursight Wines Vin Gris of Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 25, 2021

Foursight Wines is the guest for tomorrow's #PinkSociety chat on Twitter (8pm Central). They were kind enough to send me a bottle of their Pinot Noir Rosé to review. Let's see how the 2019 Foursight Wines Vin Gris of Pinot Noir rates!►Vintage: 2019►Varietal: Pinot Noir ►Region: Anderson Valley, Men...

2021 Gerard Bertrand Orange Gold Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Oct 24, 2023

It's Fall and close to Halloween so I was inspired by the colors of Fall. What better to start this week than an orange wine. Here is my review of the 2021 Gerard Bertrand Orange Gold.►Varietal: Blend of Chardonnay, Chenin, Viognier, Roussanne, Grenache Blanc, and Muscat You can help me create more...