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Pit Boss Lockhart + 3 lb Chuck roast = Poor Man's Burnt Ends also Sliders

 ramtuff2000  May 7, 2020

#pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #bbq #bbqporn #platinumserieslockhart #poormansburntends #burntends #inkbird #inkbirdbbqgo #btleighs #btleighsbbq #food #foodie #burgers #sliders

2014 Lincourt Chardonnay Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 24, 2019

The other day, I went to a nearby liquor and wine store to see if I could find any bargains. Well, I found one that has potential... for only $3! So, let's see if this uber bargain Chard turns out to be like so many of the others. Here is my review of the 2014 Lincourt Chardonnay.►Vintage: 2014►Vari...

Ragout d'igname Pour Toutes La Famille | Tres Delicious😋Yam Porridge | African Cooking with Estelle

 EstelleK79  Jun 5, 2022

Ingredients:Medium Size yam Cut to sizes of your choice.1.2kg of beef meat chunksoil for frying1tbsp grated garlic3 branches of rosemarysalt to taste1tsp grated ginger1tsp ground black peppercorns1 chicken stock pot1 beef stock pothandful of freshly chopped parsley4 medium size tomatoes grated2tbsp ...