

After the harvest, pump over, etc...here it is time for racking at Cote di Franze winery in Calabria. They produce Gaglioppo wines within the Cirò Doc denomination. Read more at: http://bit.ly/2d8eASH-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance at #WiningHourChat" https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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Further reading

Summer Vodka Sips -The Transfusion & The Moscow Mule // Tasty Bit 88

 WestchesterFoodies  May 28, 2015

I am not a huge booze hound and this is mostly because I have two kids to keep alive, but I am, however, also, still alive and enjoy a little cocktail here and there.My brother-in-law Carl, introduced the Transfusion to me and the rest of my husband's family at a big family reunion a few years back....

Giveaway Update!

 wineonthedime  May 3, 2017

Hi everyone! I just wanted to post a quick video to give an update to let you know what my prizes are going to be for the future giveaways.

Sauvignon Blanc Showdown! WYSIWYG vs Starborough Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 7, 2017

TIME FOR A SHOWDOWN! In the red corner, hailing from France, weighing in at $6.50 and 11.5% ABV...we have What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Sauvignon Blanc! In the blue corner, out of New Zealand, weighing in at $9.50 and 13% ABV...the current Sauvignon Blanc champion of Wine on the Dime...Star...