

Having never made latkes before (which will become very obvious when you watch the video), I was curious to see if they could be made a little healthier by baking them rather than frying them. This experiment yielded a clear winner.Ingrdients:3 potatoes1 large onion2 TBSP matzo meal (or bread crumb...

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Further reading

Breast Side Story: Roasted Chicken Breast with Spicy Passion Fruit Sauce

 KitchAnnette  Mar 23, 2022

It's the 2022 Red Carpet Menu for OscarĀ®! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations, give them each an honorary dish to create an incredible meal! This year's theme is Mid-Century Dinner Party. Here's our Main Course. For West Side Story, it's Breast Side Story: Roasted Chicken B...

Separate Eggs By Hand (Quick Bite)

 Anita  Aug 7, 2020

You don't need any fancy gizmos to get the job done. Here's my technique for separating eggs perfectly every time.