

Having never made latkes before (which will become very obvious when you watch the video), I was curious to see if they could be made a little healthier by baking them rather than frying them. This experiment yielded a clear winner.Ingrdients:3 potatoes1 large onion2 TBSP matzo meal (or bread crumb...

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Further reading

How to Roast Vegetables Easy Peasy // Tasty Bit 79

 WestchesterFoodies  Mar 19, 2015

Roasting vegetables seems like a simple task, but many people have a hard time with it. I blame the number 350. There should be a Sesame Street episode where that number is banished from kitchens across the world to dig caves somewhere. When you roast veggies at 350 and over-crowd the pan, you get m...

A Day Learning About Vin Natur in Veneto

 GrapevineAdventures  Feb 7, 2018

Earlier in December last year, I visited Angiolino Maule, the president of Vin Natur, at his winery La Biancara in Gambellara, Veneto.We learned about this Natural Winemakers' Association. Listen to a couple of wine producers who are members of the association tell us their stories.Join my FREE News...

How to Roast Your NUTS Off with Some HERBS // Tasty Bit 28

 WestchesterFoodies  Jan 29, 2014

In this video, Claudia Ossa shows you how to roast nuts with some herbs for the perfect and slightly fancy Super Bowl snack! This is the easy technique for roasting nuts that will change the way you nut forever.