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Further reading

2021 Iddu Catarratto Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Dec 6, 2022

As promised, here is the other wine that I received from Macy's Wine Shop. I can't recall having this varietal before so I was excited to see it in the box that was sent to me. Here is my review of the 2021 Iddu Catarratto.$30 Discount Code: WINEONTHEDIME at►Vintage: 2021►...

WinesOfItaly LiveStream with guest Cantina Social

 GrapevineAdventures  Jan 21, 2017

When the wine bloggers Cantina Social were my guests at #WinesOfItaly #LiveStream they told us about how they met, how their wine blogging came about, and their coming new projects.-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance at #WiningHourChat"

Mushrooms In Spanish Sherry

 RadishRose  Sep 8, 2021

Here is a nice little Spanish tapa to accompany your Spanish tortilla or to make any time you have a lot of mushrooms. This makes an excellent bruschetta topping as well %u2013 especially if you top it with a curl of Manchego cheese!