

Dinner and rock band entertainment at the Vignaioli di Radda event.

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Further reading

2013 Bonterra Merlot Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jan 26, 2017

You know how some days you're off...well I meant to post this video before the Merlot Showdown. Just pretend there is some sort of Mandela Effect thing going on here and it was posted sooner.Anyway, today I'm trying the 2013 Bonterra Merlot that I picked up for $15 at HEB. It was a "Primo Pick" so l...


 ljanos  Dec 2, 2020

2017 Samuel Wynn & Co Risk & Reward Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 8, 2020

This is what happens when I try to get my wife on a video. I hope you all appreciate it. Regardless of the merciless, unwarranted beating I took, today I review a wine that defines how I live into my marriage. Here's is my review of the 2017 Samuel Wynn & Co Risk & Reward Cabernet Sauvignon.â–ºVintage...