

The potato chip aisle can be a daunting place. I am sharing my two favorite potato chips with you. My first potato chip crush is Trader Joe's Ode to the Classic potato chip and the second is Kettle Brand Chips Maple bacon.

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Further reading

2020 Campo Viejo Garnacha Rosé Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Dec 16, 2021

Campo Viejo is a pretty common (and very affordable) producer from Spain. However, my local stores had never carried one of their rosés until very recently. Reflexively, I grabbed a bottle to review once I saw it. Here is my review of the 2020 Campo Viejo Garnacha Rosé.►Vintage: 2020►Varietal: Garna...

Mini Blueberry Cakes by KitchAnnette

 KitchAnnette  Jan 18, 2016

Blueberries sprinkled in a lovely cake can be the high point of any day! These Mini Blueberry Cakes are delightful! Click here to read all about it: http://wp.me/pU7K7-UjDon't forget to buy our book, "KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus" at Amazon.com! http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpet-Menus-N...

Dinner with Andrew: Episode 2 "Chicken Cutlets: Mio Modo"

 AndrewCotto  Sep 3, 2021

On this episode of "Dinner with Andrew" chicken cutlets are prepared with a few secrets and a chicken dance on the side. Wait for the snort...LOL.Ingredients (serves six):12 boneless chicken thighsSeasoning of choice, to taste3 eggs lightly whipped2 cups breadcrumbs mixed with one cup grated Parmigi...