

Just under 3lb Tomahawk seasoned with @pitbossgrills GSP and Southwest BBQ Rubs. Will be going on my @pitbossgrills Platinum Series Lockhart with a twist😉😉 The heat is courtesy of @bearmountainbbq Oak and the cook will be monitored by @themeatstick Wi-Fi Pro Set. Let's go make some m...

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Further reading

2017 Nobilissima Pinot Grigio Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 6, 2019

I really can't pass up an opportunity to get an extra 10% off on wine. This is also perfect timing because we just covered Italian wine in my WSET course. Here is my review of the 2017 Nobilissima Pinot Grigio.â–ºVintage: 2017â–ºVarietal: Pinot Grigioâ–ºRegion: Italyâ–ºABV: 12%â–ºPrice: $11Stuff I use in my v...

Pit Boss Lockhart Smoked cheese, grilled chicken and low and slow pork

 ramtuff2000  Mar 5, 2020

Smoked Cheeses on my Austin XL and Grilled chicken and low and slow pork on my Lockhart. We also decided to attempt hanging and smoking hot sausages. #pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #inkbird #goodeats #Lockhart #pitbosslockhart #pulledpork #bbq #lowandslow #food #homecooking #austinxl

Chicken & Sausage Paella

 Anita  Jun 12, 2020

This is not complicated, but time consuming. And it's worth every minute. Relax and enjoy making this classic Spanish dish.