

During my last pregnancy, that ended one month ago, I craved Cuban food 24-7 and mainly Moros y Cristianos, Cuban black beans and rice. I suffered because there are a lot of cultures in White Plains, NY, but not a lot of Cubans... White Plains should be my Shangri-La, given that there are 4 Colombia...

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Huski Wine Cooler Product Review

 wineonthedime  Nov 21, 2023

Huski was kind enough to send me one of their Wine Coolers to review. Now, I tend to be skeptical about products meeting their marketing collateral, so let's see if the Huski Wine Cooler lives up to the hype.►Get a Huski Wine Cooler for yourself or a friend! https://amzn.to/3sC5oAXYou can help me cr...

7 Interesting White Wines from Italy - Crush On This Episode 85

 CrushOnThis  Feb 24, 2022

When thinking about Italian white wines, everyone knows Pinot Grigio and Moscato. But Italy is home to hundreds, if not thousands of native grapes, many of them white grape varieties. In this episode, let’s look past Pinot Grigio and take a look at some of the best Italian white wines. Give our vide...