

In this video, Attorney Somm interviews Sara Perez, who owns and operates Mas Martinet. Mas Martinet is a top winery in Priorat, Catalunya, Spain.In part 2, Sara Perez and Attorney Somm conduct a virtual tasting of four Mas Martinet wines: the 2018 Martinet Bru; the 2015 Cami Pesseroles; the 2017 C...

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Further reading

Holiday Wine Pairings on a Budget

 wineonthedime  Nov 14, 2017

Today, I do a quick video to talk about some wine pairings that will get you through your holiday meals. These will work regardless if you are celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, Festivus, or another holiday. If you buy enough, it can even help you deal with your in-laws! If you like the video, rem...

A Vineyard Visit at Dawn in Umbria

 GrapevineAdventures  Apr 30, 2019

Earlier in February, I woke up at dawn to go and make live videos together with Kelly Mitchell right in the vineyard at Di Filippo Winery in Umbria.We were attending the Anteprima Sagrantino event. They had been so nice as to arrange this early morning visit.What is so special about Di Filippo winer...

Hello Vino App Product Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 29, 2018

Happy Friday! I'm wrapping up the week with an app review. Here is my review of the Hello Vino mobile app.If you like the video, remember to subscribe and click the bell enable notifications for when new videos are posted. Also, comment below if you have an idea for a review that you would like to s...