Gaining international popularity, Malbec wines are often consumer friendly in price and flavor profile. Malbec wines are lush and round with flavors of plum, vanilla and mocha.Malbec is a French variety but is mostly grown in its’ new home of Argentina. Known as Côt and Auxerrois in France, Malbec ...
There are some cool things that you can do with Augmented Reality. Hell, there's even a Mario Kart game now that uses it! Tussock Jumper also uses it for their labels but that doesn't really tell you if the wine is good. They were kind enough to send me 8 different wines to try so let's take a peek ...
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I received this wine to review and had been holding on to it for a little bit since I found out it was a limited case run. Well, it's Spring Break so I finally decided to pop the top and get into it. Here is my standard review (and Chambong review) of the 2017 Nalle Sparkling Rosé of Pinot Noir. ►Vi...