

-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance at #WiningHourChat" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPm9MvqFt_E-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Further reading

Digital Vino with guest Federico Gordini, Founder of Milano Wine Week

 GrapevineAdventures  Aug 20, 2020

Digital VinoOn 26 August, we will learn all about this year's Milano Wine Week from its founder Federico Gordini. It becomes an international digital wine platform.26 August Guest: Federico Gordini, the founder of MWW7pm CEST / 1pm ET / 10am PST At FB: GrapevineAdventures#MilanoWineWeek#DigitalVi...

Experiences of Radici del sud 2021 - 22 August 2021 6pm CEST / 12pm ET / 10am PST #puglia

 GrapevineAdventures  Aug 23, 2021

RadiciLive via WinesOfItaly Talking about Radici del sud 2019with Rowena Dumlao Giardina, Tanisha Townsend, and Darrel Joseph22 August 20216pm CEST / 12pm ET / 10am PSTLook out for guest appearances!