

Have you ever eaten Italian Style Asparagus? This is the perfect asparagus recipe! The Brooklyn Brothers show you how to cook asparagus in a pan. A healthy and easy vegetable recipe that the whole family will enjoy. Happy Cooking! Ingredients:• 3 Bunches of Fresh Asparagus• 5 Cloves of Garlic (C...

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Further reading

2021 Cais da Ribeira Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 13, 2023

Happy day after the Super Bowl! Now, let's get back to wine. Today, I'm reviewing the 2021 Cais da Ribeira from Portugal.

2021 Jolie Folle Rosé Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 10, 2022

Today, I'm revisiting a wine that I reviewed four years ago on this channel. First, I want to see how it is different. Second, I have never been to a grocery store and NOT seen this wine on the shelf. It's been nagging me for a while to take a look again, so that's what I'm doing today. Here is the ...

@Char-Griller Auto Kamado #gravity980 #akorn and Soda Can Chickens 🐔

 ramtuff2000  May 22, 2022

All 3 grills were fueled by @The Good Charcoal and seasoned with Kinders Wood Fired Garlic.Temps were monitored by @The MeatStick Wi-Fi Pro Set and also The Auto Kamado on board probe.#chargriller #myersmasterpieces #mmp #bbq #LEGGGGOOOOO #chicken #charcoal #thegoodcharcoalcompany #goodcharcoal #che...