

Roasting vegetables seems like a simple task, but many people have a hard time with it. I blame the number 350. There should be a Sesame Street episode where that number is banished from kitchens across the world to dig caves somewhere. When you roast veggies at 350 and over-crowd the pan, you get m...

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Further reading

2018 The Bluffer Valdiquié Wine Review (Winc)

 wineonthedime  Aug 16, 2019

I'm trying a new wine varietal for me today! I heard of Valdiquié a long time ago but have never been able to find one in San Antonio. Well, the #wine shipment I ordered from Winc included one... so let's take a look at it! Here is my review of the 2018 The Bluffer Valdiquié Wine Review.►Vintage: 20...

Four Easy Goat Cheese Spreads and Many Uses! Tasty Bit 91

 WestchesterFoodies  Jun 18, 2015

I shout from the cheese aisle! "Buy that little goat cheese log! It is so versatile." and then I open the cheese drawer in my fridge and whisper, "Crap, I already have two logs I haven't used."I Googled goat cheese spreads that use Greek yogurt because I thought that Greek yogurt might soften the te...

Breast Side Story: Roasted Chicken Breast with Spicy Passion Fruit Sauce

 KitchAnnette  Mar 23, 2022

It's the 2022 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations, give them each an honorary dish to create an incredible meal! This year's theme is Mid-Century Dinner Party. Here's our Main Course. For West Side Story, it's Breast Side Story: Roasted Chicken B...