

This is a video about freezing bacon so you have it whenever you need it.

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Further reading

2019 Kirkland Signature (Costco) KVine Chardonnay Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jul 19, 2021

When I was out at Costco on my last (emphasis on last) wine run, I grabbed this bottle because I saw it was Kirkland branded. However, I didn't notice until I was shooting the review that it was made by Charles Smith. This could be an interesting find. Let's take a look at the 2019 Kirkland Signatur...

Curried Mac & Cheese 2016 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar® "MAD MACS: CURRY ROAD" for "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD"

 KitchAnnette  Feb 25, 2016

Welcome to our 2016 Red Carpet Menu for Oscars®! The second side dishes, "Mad Macs: Curry Road", in honor of Oscar® Best Picture Nominated "Mad Max: Fury Road". Adding a bit of curry to this classic comfort food gives it a great depth of flavor! Get the full recipe and MORE: http://www.kitchannette....

Visiting Fattoria di Montemaggio

 GrapevineAdventures  Apr 19, 2017

Here I was visiting Fattoria di Montemaggio con Li @TheWiningHour, her friend Mille, and Amit from @TheWineMonk.I work with social media strategies for Fattoria di Montemaggio, and presented Li and Millie to the winery.-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "My guest appearance at #WiningHourChat" https://ww...