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Further reading

WINE REVIEW: 2010 Dom Perignon

 AttorneySomm  Oct 2, 2020

In this video, Attorney Somm reviews the 2010 Dom Perignon, which was recently released. Attorney Somm discusses the 2010 vintage in Champagne, his tasting notes for the 2010 Dom Perignon and also provides buying strategies both for the 2010 Dom Perignon and also for Dom Perignon generally.2010 was...

Pit Boss Lockhart Smoked cheese, grilled chicken and low and slow pork

 ramtuff2000  Mar 5, 2020

Smoked Cheeses on my Austin XL and Grilled chicken and low and slow pork on my Lockhart. We also decided to attempt hanging and smoking hot sausages. #pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #inkbird #goodeats #Lockhart #pitbosslockhart #pulledpork #bbq #lowandslow #food #homecooking #austinxl

KitchAnnette™ Red Carpet Menus

 KitchAnnette  Jul 27, 2015

Order now at http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpet-Menus-Nominations/dp/0991501101Twenty years ago, Annette Zito hosted a casual Academy Awards® viewing party that has become a highly anticipated annual event featuring her clever twists of Oscar®-nominated Best Picture movie titles transform...