

Pinot Gris is named after the grayish pink tint in its grape skins. In Italy, Pinot Gris is known as Pinot Grigio. And yes, it’s the same grape. In this episode, we share five fun wine facts about Pinot Gris. Enjoy the video, give it a like, let us know if you have a favorite Pinot Gris and subscrib...

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Further reading

Radish Rose Balsamic Mustard Vinaigrette

 RadishRose  Feb 24, 2021

Make a lot, use a little! I make a batch and keep it in a squirt bottle devoted to this purpose, which I drew lines on for the correct proportions every time. This stays good for several weeks in the fridge%u2026 I%u2019m not exactly sure how long, because I have never ever had a batch go bad%u2026 ...

2018 Paxis White Wine Blend Review

 wineonthedime  Aug 14, 2020

I realized that I posted the Paxis rosé two days early by accident. To quote Jeb Bush, "Oops." Today, I put the wine that was supposed to be on #WineWednesday in this slot. Here is the 2018 Paxis White Wine Blend.►Vintage: 2018►Varietal: Arinto, Fernão Pires, Alvarinho, Chardonnay►Region: Lisboa, Po...

2019 Durigutti Cabernet Franc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 13, 2021

I had a great steak and beet dinner planned last weekend and decided that it would be awesome to pair with a nice Cabernet Franc. I went to the store prepared not to find one but I got double lucky. I found one AND it's from Mendoza, Argentina. Let's see if the 2019 Durigutti Cabernet Franc with be ...