

When we think of Tempranillo, many think of Spain and tapas! But there are so many other fun facts about this interesting grape. In this episode, Allison and I discover five fun facts about Tempranillo. Enjoy the episode, give it a like, make a comment at any time, and subscribe to our channel for m...

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Further reading

2017 Argyle Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 1, 2020

Today's review is a subscriber request! I love Pinot Noir so it wasn't a hard sell when Carl asked me to put this wine on my list. Also, yes I know I pronounced Willamette incorrectly. It's a bad habit and I don't always catch myself when I do it until it's too late. Anyway, here's my review of th...

2018 Boya Sauvignon Blanc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jul 12, 2021

Before my wife banned me from Costco, I was able to grab a gaggle of interesting wines. One of those wines was this Sauvignon Blanc from Chile. Let's take a few minutes to review the 2018 Boya Sauvignon Blanc.►Vintage: 2018►Varietal: Sauvignon Blanc ►Region: Leyda Valley, Chile►ABV: 12.5% You can ...

The Wedge Pinotage Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 19, 2018

Okay, before anyone says anything...I know that a Pinotage is not the same thing as a Pinot Noir. Seeing as it is a cross between Pinot Noir and Cinsaut, I figured that Pinot Noir would be the closest common varietal to compare it to for the video.