

So, you're hosting a holiday party and you're not sure which wines you can buy to pair with your meal AND not break the bank. Well, I've come up with some basic pairings that can work for the majority of meals that you consume this holiday season. I also included some sweet wine pairings in case you...

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Further reading

Giveaway & Product Review! Anakin Wine Aerator

 wineonthedime  Aug 9, 2018

Hi everyone! The fine folks at Anakin provided me a new wine aerator to review. Also, it's your lucky day (maybe) since they gave me 2 more to giveaway! Look at the details below for the entry link.Link: https://gleam.io/6tsh9/wine-on-the-dime-anakin-wine-aerator-giveawayContest runs 12:00AM 8th Aug...

2019 Pasqua ‘Romeo & Juliet’ Passione Sentimento Passimento Rosso Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 29, 2022

It's Wine Wednesday and it's time to drop another wine review on y'all! Today is another viewer request for the 2019 Pasqua ‘Romeo & Juliet’ Passione Sentimento Passimento Rosso. My wife drank this bottle twice before now so this is the first wine that I've reviewed that I've done where it's the thi...