

#DigitalVinoby KatarinaOn 9 December, I talked to Vanessa Raymond, the creator of the Telesomm 📱App. This is a very cool #app where you can book a #wine 🍷 session with your very own Telesomme...and, I do not say this just because I am one of her Telesomms.👉 Vanessa tells us m...

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Further reading

2015 Cattleya Wines Soberanes Vineyard Syrah Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 30, 2022

So, life got in the way of me getting a wine review out for yesterday's #PinkSociety. However, all you have to do is search Twitter for the hashtag and you can get caught up on the chat. Cattleya Wines was kind enough to send me a bottle of their Soberanes Vineyard Syrah. Let's take a look! ►Vintage...

Another Wine Dictionary App Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 22, 2018

Good Thursday to you! Today, I review another alternative to the Wine Dictionary App from last Thursday. Let's see how this one works out!If you like the video, remember to subscribe and click the bell enable notifications for when new videos are posted. Also, comment below if you have an idea for a...

Better Homemade Cranberry Sauce Recipe

 Anita  Nov 9, 2020

If you love canned cranberry sauce, but hate the amount of corn syrup used to make it sweet - this is a better homemade cranberry sauce recipe. It's easy and delicious!Follow me on:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressEnter...​Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/athomewitha...​Twitter https:/...