

In this video, Attorney Somm and Merideth Gray conduct a Dom Perignon virtual tasting of the Dom Perignon new releases, which include the 2010 Dom Perignon, the 2002 Dom Perignon P2 and the 2006 Dom Perignon Rose. In addition they conduct a Dom Perignon master class by discussing in detail Dom Peri...

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At a Local Wine Bar in Pécs, Hungary

 GrapevineAdventures  Apr 29, 2018

Here I was with the Portugieser Du Monde gang at a local wine bar where the local Hungarians go every day.

Gnarly Head 1924 Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 15, 2017

NEWS FLASH! A wanna-be wine snob is reviewing a red blend from Gnarley Head wines. The 1924. Is it good? Well, you'll just have to watch this newsreel to find out.Varietal: Red BlendPrice: $8.50Region: CaliforniaDon't forget, we launched a store! You can go see some of the items that I like here: ww...