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Further reading

Awesome Android App! Google Wine Guide App Review

 wineonthedime  May 3, 2018

Happy App Thursday, today I am reviewing the Wine Guide app for Google's Android OS. So, if you have an Android phone, then you have no excuse for not trying this app. Also, make sure to watch the part around 4:08 and the outro so you can see the best parts of the review. :)►To Get Started (Android)...

My Two Current Potato Chip Crushes // Tasty Bit 43

 WestchesterFoodies  May 22, 2014

The potato chip aisle can be a daunting place. I am sharing my two favorite potato chips with you. My first potato chip crush is Trader Joe's Ode to the Classic potato chip and the second is Kettle Brand Chips Maple bacon.

2021 Vinovium Marsanne Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Oct 31, 2022

Today is the last day in my Texas Wine Month series. So let's take a look at the 2021 Vinovium Marsanne.►Varietal: 80% Marsanne, 20% Viognier►Region: Texas►ABV: 13.8% ►Website: https://www.vinovium.wine/You can help me create more content on the channel through my Teespring shop! https://teespring....