

Blacken Lobster Alfredo Pizza is on the menu today folks! We will be using lobster tails for this recipe, which are blackened and then sauteed in butter. In addition, we will be making a creamy Alfredo sauce instead of traditional tomato pizza sauce, and then topped with succulent lobster meat. Y...

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Further reading

2019 Esperanza Winery Tempranillo Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Oct 14, 2022

Tempranillo is a grape that grows pretty well in the Texas High Plains AVA. For a lot of folks, it's one of the grapes that people associate with the Texas wine scene after they have visited our wine countries. So, here is my review of the 2019 Esperanza Winery Tempranillo Wine Review.►Varietal: Tem...

2017 Ron Yates Winery Amalgamation Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Oct 12, 2022

Happy Wine Wednesday! I'm back with another wine from Ron Yates Winery. Today, we are going to take a look at the 2017 Ron Yates Winery Amalgamation red wine blend.►Varietal: 50% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Petit Verdot►Region: Friesen Vineyards, Texas High Plains AVA►ABV: 14.7% ►Price: $30...

Stay Cool as a Cucumber! Cucumber Salsa with Crab!

 KitchAnnette  Jun 17, 2017

NY heat waves are bad enough in Summer - but in Spring?? NO! Combat the heat with this cool Cucumber Salsa with Crab. Don't like crab? Substitute it or leave it out all together - it's easy and perfect for a hot, humid day! Click here for the full recipe and more: http://www.kitchannette.com/cucumbe...