

It's 2017! Time to embark on adventure. I recently spent a weekend in Barcelona and besides seeing fabulous sites, I found great tapas and learned how to make Traditional Catalan Bread with Tomato! Click here for all: http://www.kitchannette.com/barcelona-food-soul/- Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menu...

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Further reading

Simpler Wines Mini Can White, Rose, & Peach Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 18, 2018

Today, I try the mini-canned wine sensation that is taking up so much display room at my local Trader Joe's that I can't even find the bamboo toothbrushes and responsibly grown dental floss. Here is my review the Simpler Wines Mini-Canned Sparkling Italian Wines!â–ºVintage: NV â–ºFlavors: White blend, R...

Easy and Sexy Farro Salad // Tasty Bit 58

 WestchesterFoodies  Oct 2, 2014

Farro is an amazing and sexy ancient grain that happens to be delicious, easy to make and good for you. I wrote a post about it once called, "If Sophia Lauren was a grain." This Farro salad with Kalamata olives, crumbled goat cheese, cucumbers, currants, pine nuts, tomatoes, lemon juice and basil is...

Andrew Cotto on Good Day New York (8/2/2021)

 AndrewCotto  Aug 19, 2021

I was able to join the wonderful Rosanna Scotto on Good Day New York to talk about CUCINA ROMANA as a means of escaping to Italy through literature and specifically the role food plays in the novel.