

So, it's Friday. Which means that you're about to have a ton of folks over for the weekend because you are cool like that. Well, why don't you watch this review before you go out and buy a mass market wine. Today, I review the Bota Box Nighthawk Black Red Wine Blend.►Vintage: NV►Varietal: Red Wine B...

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Further reading

1 minute review - 2019 Mollydooker "The Boxer" Shiraz

 wineonthedime  Jan 18, 2023

See the full review here: https://youtu.be/OYBDZeyWkDU#wine #shorts #shiraz

Blistered Shisto Peppers

 RadishRose  Sep 1, 2021

Fear not %u2013 these are very friendly, not too spicy peppers! You can handle them even if you%u2019re a bit wimpy about hot stuff like I am. They make a great healthy and guilt-free appetizer. Look for shishito peppers at your local Asian market (and many mainstream markets have them now too). The...

Caldou😋African Cooking with Estelle

 EstelleK79  May 1, 2022

Ingredients for the making of the soup for a family of 4- 6* Oil for cooking* 2 yellow and 1 red seedless sweet peppers* 2 small knorr cubes* 3 medium white onions chopped* 5 peeled garlic cloves* 1 green scotch bonnet pepperAll ingredients to be chopped and blended to a mash texture before cooking*...