

It's the 2025 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! And it's the 30th Anniversary of this Red Carpet Menu!!! Celebrations for all!!!! Each year I take the Academy Award's Best Picture Nominations and give them each an honorary dish to create an award-worthy meal! Recipe below!This year's theme is Latin-esque ...

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Apple Cider Muffins

 Anita  Oct 1, 2022

These Apple Cider Muffins are every bit as delicious as their donut counterpart, and a whole lot easier to make! For a delightfully strong cider flavor, I've added a secret ingredient: apple cider syrup. So, let's start there...To make the syrup:1 cup apple cider1 tsp cinnamon1 TBSP granulated sugar...

Pasqua 2019 Romeo and Juliet Prosecco Brut Rosé Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 3, 2021

I'm in the process of packing up my house so I can put it on the market. As a result, I had to store my studio for a bit. Never fear though because I found this video I shot a couple weeks ago to keep you company today. Here is my review of the Pasqua 2019 Romeo and Juliet Prosecco Brut Rosé.►Vintag...