

Before anyone says anything, I know I didn't pronounce the name of the winery correctly in the opening. I was thinking about making a stir fry and I had peppers on my mind. Anyway, let's take a look at the 2021 Cerrino Dolcetto D'Alba.You can help me create more content on the channel through my Tee...

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Further reading

ProChile & Winemakers in Chile making moves in the plant-based movement

 VeganWines  Aug 6, 2021

This was all prepared with natural ingredients, and with the ideal pairing of 1/2 flavor, 1/8 love, 1/4 good vibes and 3/8 desire to like our wines!!!This work team was a pleasure, Nerkihue @endemicoprods @Tringario. Thanks ProChile and Josefina Turner. It was an enjoyable work day, vegan recipes wi...

4 racks of ribs 4 different rubs SHOWDOWN!

 ramtuff2000  Jul 9, 2020

Pit Boss Grills Pulled pork vs. B.T Leigh's Somethin for Rubbin vs. Far Out Foodz V1 Honey Rub vs Meatchurch Honey Hog!! Let's see how they stack up in these guys opinions🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Mintari - Quinoa Tabbouleh

 KitchAnnette  Apr 21, 2021

It's the 2021 Red Carpet Menu for Oscar®! This year's theme is Spring Garden Party and, for Minari, it’s Mintari! This salad is fresh and multi-dimensional, just like this movie. Read all about it and get the full recipe at https://kitchannette.com/quinoa-tabbouleh/- Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menu...