

Anatum Winery is our guest for this Thursday's PinkSociety Chat on Twitter. They sent over a bottle for their Rosé of Pinot Noir to review, so let's take a look to see how it rates.►Varietal: Pinot Noir►Region: Central Coast, California ►ABV: 12.8% ►Website: https://www.anatumwines.com/You can hel...

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Further reading

How to Make Berbere Seasoning - KitchAnnette 101 | Ep. 11

 KitchAnnette  Feb 15, 2019

Make your own Berbere seasoning and explore the flavors of East African cuisine! Get the recipe and MORE! http://www.kitchannette.com/berberecornoffcob/- Check out KitchAnnette.com - Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet Menus: http://www.amazon.com/KitchAnnette-Red-Carpet-Menus-Nominations/dp/0991501101- Fac...

NakedWines.com Alco-haul & Unboxing

 wineonthedime  Dec 12, 2018

Today for #WineWednesday, I decided to show off my latest "alco-haul" from Nakedwines.com. I got about half reds and half whites, but I'm very excited to share these with you over the next month.Get a $100 voucher on your first order of $160+ by using this link: https://us.nakedwines.com/invite/stua...