

Intro►Vintage: 2018 ►Varietal: 50% Frappato, 50% Syrah►Region: Terre Siciliane IGP►ABV: 13% ►Price: $7 You can help me create more content on the channel through my Teespring shop! https://teespring.com/stores/wine-on-the-dime-storeIf you like the video, remember to subscribe and click the bell t...

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Further reading

Lounge Lizard

 RebelVino  Dec 30, 2020

Ingredients:     1 oz. dark rum     0.5 oz. amaretto     Cola   Instructions: Pour dark rum and amaretto into an ice-filled Collins glass. Fill the rest of the glass with cola and garnish with a lime. Remember, drinks with soda are often easi...

TONKATSU Time! // Tasty Bit 9

 WestchesterFoodies  Sep 6, 2011

How to make Tonkatsu, the very popular way of making breaded pork cutlets with panko crumbs in Japan.

2017 Nalle Sparkling Rosé of Pinot Noir (Hopkins Ranch) Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Mar 12, 2020

I received this wine to review and had been holding on to it for a little bit since I found out it was a limited case run. Well, it's Spring Break so I finally decided to pop the top and get into it. Here is my standard review (and Chambong review) of the 2017 Nalle Sparkling Rosé of Pinot Noir. ►Vi...