

I have another Charles Smith wine from Washington State for you all today. The KVine wine from Costco didn't impress me much, but this one has been around for a long time, so I'm hoping it's better. Here is my review of the 2018 Substance Cabernet Sauvignon.â–ºVintage: 2018â–ºVarietal: Cabernet Sauvigno...

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Further reading

Giveaway & Product Review! Anakin Wine Aerator

 wineonthedime  Aug 9, 2018

Hi everyone! The fine folks at Anakin provided me a new wine aerator to review. Also, it's your lucky day (maybe) since they gave me 2 more to giveaway! Look at the details below for the entry link.Link: https://gleam.io/6tsh9/wine-on-the-dime-anakin-wine-aerator-giveawayContest runs 12:00AM 8th Aug...

Wine Fridge Product Review! NewAir AWR 290DB Review

 wineonthedime  Sep 21, 2018

NewAir sent me a wine fridge to review... so I obliged. Here is my take on the NewAir AWR-290DB 29 bottle wine refrigerator. If you want one for yourself, then enter code WOTD for 20% off NewAir AWR-290DB Wine Cooler at https://www.newair.com/products/awr-290db-29-bottle-wine-cellar?utm_source=youtu...

Does it Chambong? Esteio Vinho Verde Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 18, 2017

As regular visitors to my blog and YouTube channel know, I love Vinho Verde. Specifically, Casal Garcia Vinho Verde from Portugal. However, today I stumbled upon another brand in the store and I just had to try it. Make sure to stick around for the special segment in which I answer the question, DOE...