LaZarre Wines is the guest for tomorrow's #PinkSociety chat on Twitter at 8pm Central. They were kind enough to send me a bottle of their 2018 Moshina white wine blend to review. Adam LaZarre has a long history or winemaking, so let's see if this wine lives up to my expectations.►Vintage: 2018►Varie...
Ingredients: 1 oz. vodka 0.5 oz. Cointreau 2 oz. champagne 2 oz. pineapple juice Instructions: Mix vodka, Cointreau, pineapple juice and champagne. Pour into a martini glass and garnish with a cherry or twig ...
Unleash Italian Flavor on the Monument Grill: The Secret to Perfect Chicken BreastsForget dry, flavorless chicken! This summer, unlock the secret to unbelievably juicy and tender grilled chicken breasts with an irresistible Italian twist. We're combining the magic of our Monument Grill with a marina...
I literally woke up, decided to make these pancakes, and started to film sans makeup! But when you want a delectable pancake, you're not gonna doll up - you're gonna get 'em while they're HOT! Get the full recipe and more: https://kitchannette.com/carrot-cake-pancakes/ - Get KitchAnnette Red Carpet ...