

Hola Y'all! Me, being the total Italian wine lover that I am, I cannot stop myself from buying a promising looking wine when I see one. Seeing as almost all Italian wines looks promising to me, that was the excuse I created in my head to pick this one up today. Here is my review of the 2016 Ruvei Ba...

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Further reading

🦀🦀 and 🥩🥩 on my Pit Boss Austin and my Char-Griller Akorn

 ramtuff2000  Apr 10, 2020

#pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #crablegs #food #foodie #bbq #bbqporn #bbqlife #chargriller #akorn #steak

Double Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Review! Franzia & 2017 Josh Cellars Special Edition

 wineonthedime  Sep 9, 2020

I was out at my property the other day and thought it would be fun to stop by the local store to see what they had. I grabbed (what I assume) is their best and worst Cabernets. So, here is my review of the Franzia 3 liter box and the 2017 Josh Cellars Special Edition Cabernet Sauvignon.Franziaâ–ºVinta...

2015 Twenty Rows Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 29, 2019

Happy Monday. Today, I bought a bottle based on the image on the label. I'm not sure how it will be, but it won't hurt to review it. So here's my review of the 2015 Twenty One Rows Pinot Noir.â–ºVintage: 2015â–ºVarietal: Pinot Noirâ–ºRegion: Californiaâ–ºABV: 13.5%â–ºPrice: $15Help support future reviews by v...