

I found a very interesting white wine blend from Spain the other day and decided not to buy it because it was $40. Then someone told be what they would be willing to sell it for and I bought 4 bottles. It was (almost) criminally cheap... but it is worth $40? Well, let's take a look at the 2016 Bodeg...

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Further reading

2016 Davis Family Vineyards Sparkling Rosé de Pinot Noir Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Apr 27, 2020

Davis Family Vineyards is going to be the guest this Thursday at the Twitter #PinkSociety party (8pm Central Time). They were kind enough to send me a bottle to review before the party. Here is my review of their 2016 Sparkling Rosé of Pinot Noir. ►Vintage: 2016 ►Varietal: Pinot Noir ►Region: Ru...

Game of Thrones Red Blend Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jul 12, 2017

While the Khaleesi's away, the wine steward will play! Today, I review the Game of Thrones Red Wine Blend. Does it have what it takes to tame the beast within or will it deserve a trip down the Moon Door?Also, sorry for the audio. I had some weird cuts and had to fill them in. I've sacked the wirele...