

Happy Christmas Eve! Today, I'm going to be cooking a ton of food for the folks coming over so I grabbed a review that I shot during Thanksgiving because I really don't have time to shoot another video right now. It's not lazy... it's efficient. Let's take a look at this 2015 Davey Family 'Aficionad...

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Further reading

Spicy Mango Quinoa - "DMango Engrained" for Oscars® "Django Unchained" by KitchAnnette

 KitchAnnette  Feb 16, 2013

Best Picture Nominee, "Django Unchained", is our other side dish, "DMango Engrained". It's fresh mango, cilantro, parsley, tomato, jalapeño, raisins, lime, and quinoa sautéed. Get the full recipe and MORE: http://www.kitchannette.com/second-side-dish-oscar-menu-2013-dmango-engrained/For this and all...

Keychain Wine Multi-Tool Product Review

 wineonthedime  Feb 15, 2017

I found a cool little wine opener multi-tool from Oenophilia when I was at the grocery store the other day. I decided to spend the $6 to pick it up and try it out. I recommend you take 5 minutes of your time to watch me show off my lack of muscle and test this wine opener.Here's a link to the same t...