

Italy is home to more than 500 indigenous grape varieties. Some of these are extremely rare, consisting of only a few acres, and others, thought to have been extinct, have only recently been found in a small field somewhere off the beaten path. It is fun to discover these lesser known red wines fro...

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Further reading

Bourbon Ball Candies

 Anita  Dec 3, 2022

These boozy delights don't require any baking and very little time. If you want to make them without the alcohol, simple refer to the cook's note at the bottom of the recipe.Ingredients:1 1/2 cups crushed vanilla wafer cookies2 cups confectioners' sugar1 1/2 cups walnuts, chopped1/4 cup cocoa powde...

🦀🦀 and 🥩🥩 on my Pit Boss Austin and my Char-Griller Akorn

 ramtuff2000  Apr 10, 2020

#pitbossnation #pitbossgrills #teampitboss #crablegs #food #foodie #bbq #bbqporn #bbqlife #chargriller #akorn #steak

2019 Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jun 29, 2020

Kicking off this week with a viewer request! I was shocked to find that I had not reviewed Oyster Bay on my channel, as it is a wine that we typically get from our convenience store when we need cold wine in a hurry. So, here is my review of the 2019 Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc.►Vintage: 2019►Varieta...