

In this video, Attorney Somm discusses 12 wine collecting tips. These wine collecting tips will be beneficial whether you are a beginner to wine collecting or have been collecting wine for many years.Attorney Somm provides advice regarding wine buying strategies, wine investment, proper storage, ce...

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Further reading

World's fastest wine opener? APÉRO N2O Powered Wine Opener Product Review

 wineonthedime  May 29, 2019

The other day, APÉRO sent me their Nitrous Oxide powered wine opener for review. Well, the box felt like it was a million pounds so I was really curious for this accessory. So, let's have us take a look at the APÉRO N2O Powered Wine Opener.►World's fastest wine opener APÉRO Wine Opener Product Revi...

Veuve Clicquot Rosé Champagne Wine Review

 wineonthedime  Jan 4, 2023

I'm starting the year with a wine that I should have had to celebrate the New Year, but I fell asleep before midnight. Oh well...►Vintage: NV►Varietal: 20-55% Pinot Noir, 28-33% Chardonnay, 15-20 Pinot Meunier, 12% still red wine (50-60 different Crus, 30-45% Reserve wine, 3 year minimum aging)►Regi...

Cilantro Crack Sauce // Tasty Bit 86

 WestchesterFoodies  May 14, 2015

Cilantro Crack sauce is named as such due to it's tangy and incredible flavor, you will immediately want to put it on everything, unlike the real crack that will just make you homeless and possibly dead.I have only published one recipe that sucked and it was for this very sauce a few years back. I r...